We received these fish about 7 years ago, thanks to Patrick de Rham. They had been bred by Jean Paul Nourissat and were just about 1 cm long. They made us very happy. We are now waiting that their taxonomic status gets clear.
Después de haberlos reproducido varias veces en acuario, dado el tamaño de la pareja (macho en la foto), se ha preparado un depósito de unos 3 m de longitud x 1,3 a 0,8 m de ancho y entre 70 y 40 cm de profundidad para ellos dentro de un invernadero.
After having bred them several times in aquarium, due to the size of the pair (the male can be seen on the pic), a tank about 3 m long, 1,3 to 0,8 m wide and 70 to 40 cm deep has been prepared this summer for them inside a greenhouse.

En el fondo varias macetas de plástico o cerámica para que elijan el lugar de puesta que quieran.
At the bottom several big plastic or ceramic flower pots should allow them to choose an adequate substrate to breed.

Esperamos que haya buenos resultados.
We are hoping to get good results.
EDITADO: A principios de agosto ya hay crías nadando junto a los padre.
EDITION: At the beginning of August fry could be seen swimming with their parents.